
The Psychology Behind Trading Decisions

When it comes to making forex trading decisions, a lot of traders experience a special kind of anxiety geared to acting at the “right” moment or making the “ideal” deal. For the most part, this kind of anxiety is natural—after all, you don’t want to lose the money you are investing, despite the inevitable fact […]

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Green Investing – Does It Work?

Do the green investment really work, or are they scams? This is a question I was asked quite frequently in the past year. It seemed that the answer to the question was mixed in different ways and opinions. Seasoned promoters say they are able to reduce spending on utilities, insurance, and personal care products by […]

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Gain Control of Your Finances

If you’re reading this article, then you’ve probably been searching for some alternative ways on how to get out of debt and start living financially free. Is there such a thing? The answer is, yes. There are many people who have successfully moved from educational debt to a financially stable life. You’ll find a wealth […]

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How to Buy Stocks When You Don’t Know Anything About Stocks

It’s certainly easy to become a stock market know-it-all and simply follow the herd. However, this is the worst way to do stock trading. The stock market is legitimately so difficult. I’ve been making money on the international stock markets for over a decade, and have never lost a single penny of my in stocks. […]

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10 Tips to Becoming a Successful Forex Trader

Many people are wondering whether or not forex trading is a good way to make money or even an activity that’s activity is in any way enjoyable. There’s no question that forex trading can be fun, but most people can tell you that they would rather have time for activities that are more engaging or […]

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