AUD/USD, EUR/AUD: The Australian Dollar Trading Poorly Despite Macro Tailwinds



The Australian dollar has traditionally been considered a proxy for global economic health, particularly as it relates to commodity markets and trade dynamics. Its correlation with global growth expectations makes it a valuable currency for traders and analysts alike. However, despite favorable macroeconomic conditions and tailwinds that might typically bolster a currency’s strength, the Australian dollar has been performing poorly against its major counterparts such as the US dollar (USD) and the Euro (EUR). This article delves into the reasons behind this apparent contradiction and what it could mean for the future of AUD/USD and EUR/AUD exchange rates.

Global Economic Outlook And Commodity Prices

One of the primary drivers of the Australian dollar is commodity prices, given Australia’s significant exports of minerals and resources. In recent times, commodity prices have experienced a surge due to increased demand as global economies recover from the disruptions caused by the pandemic. Notably, iron ore and coal prices have seen sharp increases. Typically, such trends would lead to a stronger Australian dollar. However, the expected positive impact on the AUD has been surprisingly muted.

The disconnect between the Australian dollar and commodity prices can be partially attributed to broader global economic uncertainties. While certain segments of the global economy are rebounding, others remain under pressure due to factors like supply chain disruptions, varying speeds of vaccine rollouts, and geopolitical tensions. These elements contribute to a complex economic environment where traditional correlations may not hold as firmly as expected.

Monetary Policy Divergence

Another significant factor is the divergence in monetary policy between the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and other major central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve (Fed) and the European Central Bank (ECB). The RBA has maintained a relatively more dovish stance, committing to keeping interest rates low until actual inflation is sustainably within its target range. In contrast, the Fed has started hinting at a tighter monetary policy in response to rising inflation in the United States, leading to a stronger USD.

On the European front, the ECB has also shown signs of moving away from its ultra-loose monetary policy, which impacts the EUR/AUD exchange rate. The Euro has appreciated against the Australian dollar, reflecting a shift in investor expectations about the interest rate differential that favors the Euro.

Risk Aversion In The Forex Market

Market sentiment and risk appetite play crucial roles in the dynamics of currency exchange rates. The Australian dollar is often viewed as a riskier asset, meaning it can be susceptible to sell-offs when global investors move towards safer assets. In recent months, a resurgence of economic uncertainties has led to increased volatility and a flight to safety, which typically benefits the USD and to a lesser extent the EUR, at the expense of currencies like the AUD.

Technical Analysis Perspectives

From a technical analysis standpoint, both AUD/USD and EUR/AUD have shown patterns that suggest potential for further weakness. AUD/USD has struggled to break through key resistance levels, indicating a bearish outlook among traders. Similarly, EUR/AUD has been trending upwards, breaking past resistance that has now become support, suggesting that the Euro may continue to strengthen against the Australian dollar.

Looking Ahead

Looking forward, the performance of the Australian dollar will likely continue to be influenced by global economic developments, commodity price trajectories, and central bank policies. Traders and investors will need to keep a close eye on these factors. Additionally, any unexpected shifts in global market sentiment or geopolitical events could further impact AUD exchange rates.


While the macroeconomic fundamentals suggest a scenario where the Australian dollar should be strong, real-world complexities paint a different picture. The AUD’s weakness against the USD and EUR is a reflection of broader global economic trends and monetary policy divergences, underscoring the intricate nature of Forex markets. Traders should prepare for continued volatility and consider a range of scenarios when planning their currency strategies.